Tuesday 27 January 2009

filming for thriller

In todays lesson we strated filming our thriller. me and patrice met at the locaion we had all decided on. It was a local park that is always empty during the day. Seen as how the thiller is about a little boy and his mother in the park being watched having a little brother to play the part really helped. the first shots we used were the establishing shots of the park. Not all the shots were in oreder as we were filming then because when we were filming we were constantly coming up with better ideas for camera shots. Many of these shots included and extreme close up of my and my little brother holding hands to show the close bond between us both, another shot was a hand held shot from the stalkers point of view watching my little brother play. There were many close ups of me and my brothers faces to show that we were having a good time. The close ups of my brothers face show his innocence. Shots such as these capture the viewers attention because they are heartwarming but seeing them from the stalkers point of view makes then more intense.
We managed to film the whole scene of my little brother playing in the park, and we even managed to get him pulling a face that made him looked scared and slightly shocked. In our next lesson we will have to get the rest of the film. This will be the stalker walking through the bushes. Lots of close ups and extreme close ups of the stalker pushing away branches and creeping through the bushes will really keep the viewer on the edge of their seat.
once we have captured all we need we will then go to the editing suite and start to edit.

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