Wednesday 11 February 2009

filming and editing

In yesterdays lesson we filmed the rest of the thriller. This last bit of the thriller was the part where we see the stalker walking through the bushes. We do not actually see the stalkers face as we still want to keep his identity hidden to create more suspense. We mainly see cloes ups of the stalkers hands and feet crushing the bushes as he is trying to get through them.
The filming didnt take long so we had plenty of time to log and capture the film. Once up to the editing suite thats exactly what we started to do. When taking a look at the whole footage me and patrice realised that we had alot more than we thought we did. Which isnt a bad thing, its just really hard to choose which bits of the footage will definatly be in the thriller as we had to remember that we only have two minutes to fill.
Once we were done logging and capturing we started to edit. We started with the opening scenes of the stalker watching the park from the bushes and other various shots. So far we have a rough guide of what we are doing, but we do need to cut down alot of shots. Therefore next lesson that is exactly what we will be doing. To make sure we definatly get this finished on time me and patrice have also decided to meet up and come into the workshop over half term so that we are not left to far behind on the work.

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