Sunday 22 February 2009

Half term media work shop

Just befor half term ,my group decided to come on monday over that half term holiday.Just me and Cassie twere there to finish off the editing although Patrice came in late like around 12 .One of the media staff member came to see our work and gave us a tip what is needed to be done ,he told us how we have to slow down some of the parts of the stalker so that the be an effect that the stalker is up to something .We did so ,we slow the movement down to %50 this gave it a better effect.
After that i went to our classroom where we keep our folders and i took the sounds out of my folder that i choose the previouse lesson for our thriller,but it was qiute unfortunate that Cassie wasn't impress with the sound i have picked even with the opinion of the teacher on the sound which they alo think the sound which i have choosen are ok.This is what got me angry a little bit because it seems that what ever i do for the group their not pleased with because they think they are too smart ,even if they are at least give other people chance to do something as well.So this got me messing about because i felt exceptional even thought my desire wants to help and feel among.

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