Tuesday 24 February 2009

Final filming

Today ab, Cassie and I came to the lesson, our aim was to film the stalker shots, we chose to do this in a park as we wanted to capture lots of greenery, the stalker would hide behind this greenery watching his prey, this would also provide us with lots of natural sound effects making the thriller more realistic. We went to a local park in Angel but on arrival we discovered that closed, so we decided to do this filming in greenery opposite the college. We wanted a number of shots, first we shot extreme close ups of the stalkers feet walking towards the park carefully not revealing the stalkers identity. We then took close ups of the stalker's hands moving the bushes to get a closer look at the prey, this was still done to preserve the identity of the reader. We finally did a tilt establishing shot of the stalker but from the back which added suspense this was done slowly to capture the tension. The first two shots we took we done with a hand held camera  to indicate intensity, the third shot was done using a tripod  this proved to be more effective using the tripod as we got an accurate picture of the stalker.

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