Tuesday 17 February 2009

finishing the thriller

On monday, even though it is half term there was a media workshop on run by the teachers to help students catch up on some of their work and finish their thrillers. Me and my group decided that if we were to finish the thriller on time we had to attend the media workshop. We decided to meet up early so that we had plenty of time to do the thriller. When i got to the college at the set time only one member of my group turned up. This was AB. Patrice came in at about 11 because she was running a  bit late.Ahmed failed to turn up. Although AB turned up he failed to help me with any of the work, he prefered to wonder off ,eat,muck around and talk to other groups. Although i did not recieve any help from AB, i got more work done on my own. When patrice did turn up rather than wonder around she came straight up to me and asked about the work. She showed and intrest and wanted to know how she could help improve the work. Together we put the soundtrack onto the thriller and sorted out the levels so that the sound flowed better. 
In the previous lesson before half term me and Patrice just continued editing the thriller. We placed all the right clips in order and cut them down alot so that the fitted in the two minute time space.
In the workshop, by myself i managed to put in all the credits, cut down the film, and even start putting some sound in. I also put some of the scenes in the film in slow motion. The scenes that are in slow motion are the only seen when we see the stalker and things from his point of view. When putting the sound in partrice turned up and helped me. AB had chosen some sounds that he thought would match the thriller however they didnt match at all so me and Patrice went through sound pro again and chose the sounds that we thought matched our thriller. We found two different sounds that matched our thriller. One was for when we see the stalker and the other sound was for when we see the mother and child. Once me and Patrice had made our final decisions on the sound we added them to the thriller.
The thriller is now finished. The only thing we really want to change about it is to make the font on the credits a little bit bigger, but we will do that when we get back from half term.

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