Sunday 22 February 2009

Filming,Editing and choosen of Sound

In our last two lesson just before half term ,my group got together in the classroom and decided to finish off our filming even though Ahmed wasn't there because he had to go to the doctors ,we still manage to do the filming with three people.
However, when we got out side to find our location in the rain ,we found a park opposite Sainsbury in Angel which fits the best location for our filming because it has all the Mise-En-Scene that we need e.g the bushes etc.It was quite unfortunate that the park that we went to was loched so we manage find ourselves a new location that is near our college.
We had to do the filming in the rain,Cassie and Patrice were filming me the (Stalker).In the rain while it was all mudy and wet, i had to do difficult things ,i was walking through the hard bushes,clothes was dirty ,shoes was dirty and socked with water leaves all over my faces above all i got myself injured which got me going to see the doctors the next day.I had no choice other than to do the filming for me and for the people in my group ,because really and truely i wouldn't want my group to fail this task or geting a lower grades overall.
After we had finish filming ,I went to clean myself off and go back to the classroom ,when i got to the classroom i saw Patrice and Cassie editing the film the we had made,Sir Andrew our teacher told me that it will be of immense help if i make the sound,it was just only me that was choosing the sound that day ,so i choose the sound that i thing will match the film that we had created ,i tried my best to pick at least 10 to 12 sound but the sound can't be decided that it is the right sound for the film unless you see the film and insert it after editing the film.However,i picked the best sounds that i think its suitable for our film.

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