Thursday 15 January 2009

Planning how to make our own thriller.Match cut effect

On thursday we were introduced a new teacher called Annabell. Annabell told us the terminology of how to blogg our work .In that lesson we leant how to create a match cut effect ,this is cobining two shots together to make a sensable or complete film.We did mostly paperwork.At first we had a go at answering some question which contain imagining and creating a match scenes in our head and matching them together with our the question she gave us .We were put in our groups to be able to do that classwork ,my group put heads together in solving out the question ,however we did our best to do the task set ,it was quit fortunate that when the answer was shown to us we were right on the spot.
After we had a go of doing that ,we were given a sheet to plan what our thriller is going to look like ,in my group ,group 7 we planned what scene is going to come first and how they are going to come in order ,everyone in my group had a say about it which was very helpful to us,we had to draw a picture of how the scenes look like this as well helped us to make our film easy and quicker to produce.However, we were very successful at that task and the time was against us so we rounded u and determine that we re going to start filming in our next lesson ,on tuesday.

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