Tuesday 20 January 2009

thriller video practice- complete

In todays lesson we worked on our pitch. We wrote down everything we could about what our thriller was going to be like. This included the camera work, music, location, lighting and which audience it will be made for. On a big sheet of paper me and my group wrote down our ideas. Then i drew up a storyboard of what our thriller will look like. Hopefully not the same because in the storyboard there are stick people but hopefully the same camera shots and angles will be used in our thriller. This is just a rough guide, maybe when we actually come to filming wmay come up with better ideas but its good to have a few good ideas to start off with.

Once we finished the pitch, Ahmed and AB, finished off some of their blogging whilst me and patrice finished editing the practice thriller. We had nearly finished editing when we went to media workshop but we run out of time so we only needed five minutes or so to finish it. once the clip was ready we decided to add some music to it all. Findind the right music to match the sequence was quite hard but also quite funny as there were so many outrageous sounds to choose from. When we finally found the type of music that matched the film, we added it to the sequence so that when the film played the musci played with it.

Overall with the filming and the sound the clip look very good in the end and is seen at the top ofthis page.

In next lesson we will be doing our pitch to the rest of the class. And hopefully by next week we will start filming our thriller.

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

A good practice piece - particularly in the use of Match -Cutting and Shot-Reverse-Shot. Music is used to good effect and you evidently had fun making it!
