Monday 12 January 2009

match cuts

On fridays lesson we had a new teacher introduced to us. Her names was annabell. In this lesson we learned about match cuts.
A match cut is basically when two shots can be put together and make one. This lesson was mostly paperwork, but to get an even better understanding of what a match cut is we all watched a short clip and had to spot the match cuts.
Once we watched this clip and fully understood what a match cut was we then had to start planning our match cut exercise.
In this exercise we will be in groups and we will have to film a character opening a door, walking into a room, sitting down opposite another character and then both of them sharing a few lines of dialoue. In this exercise we have to plan the shhot carefully so in order to do that we first had to write all of our shots down on paper, then draw them of how they will look. Next lesson we will actually get to be filming this exercise.

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