Tuesday 20 January 2009

Preparation for pitch

In this task where me and my group had to prepare the makings of the pitch. It is important to be organised and plan things out before handing out the work. A short brief of what is going to happen in our opening seqeunce is a mother and her child alone in a playground, but what they dont know is that they are being stalked by a man. There is going to be a moment where the mother is going to look away and once she looks back at her child, she will see her son shocked and scared. This is basically our central plan in our project. The key images you will see in our opening seqeunce is a view of the playground with just the mother and her child. We will also film the surroundings and the stalkers feet walking up to the playground in the bushes. This will let the audience know where the opening seqeunce is taking place and who the main characters are. The opening seqeunce will take place in an emmpty playground where there are a lot of bushes which is in advantage for the stalker. The camera will also focus on the greenary of the playground. Our opening seqeunce will hopely take place on a windy and sunny daytime. The lighting of the opening seqeunce should be all natural as it will be filmed on daytime. Things that we are planning to film when it comes to camerawork are establishing shots of the playground, there will also be a point of view of the stalker to make the scene more interesting and exciting. By gods will, if it is a sunny day with a lot of sunshine, we will take shots the stalkers shadow past the tracking railings. The stalkers identity will be covered at all time to make the opening seqeunce a bit mysterious. A close-up on the stalkers feet walking through the bushes which creates suspense, this will happen by tracking. After, we're going to take a long shot of mother and child walkinh into the park. A mid-shot of the child playing on the playground should be fine. As the stalker is watching the mother and her child, we will take a point of view shot. Then there wil be a close-up on the mother looking away for a moment. After the close-up, you will see an extreme close up on the childs face and what you can see is fear in his eyes. When it comes to music, we will have sounds of the stalker walking through the bushes. You will also hear the child laughing. The music should become more intense when we see the stalker. We are mainly focusing on an audience which is 18 and older. These are basically all the things that are going to happen in our opening seqeunce. We are also going to make a short storyboard which is like a brief, but in more details. We haven't really decided on what we are going to name our title yet, but an idea is to call it ''Child's Eyes".

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