Tuesday 20 January 2009

Practice filming

On our practice filming session we had to establish a man walking up the stairs and then walking towards a room where he opens the door and walks in. Then we have another character sitting down on a chair and waiting for the man to sit down in his opposite direction. We also had to length out into 20 shots. This was the hard bit of the task, because the opening scene that we were given was too short to be long. But because the scene was taking place on a staircase and room, we did't had to do any preparations. The camera work was very well, but our problem and only mistake was that we took too many short shots. Its was better to have a bit more of long and continous shots. One thing we have also learned when taking the shots was not to use zoom in which is hardly ever used in any film. I was happy with the long and over the shoulder shots which looked very effective and were the most succesful ones. When it came to the editing, we had to delete a lot clips as we took too many, but obviously we kept all the good ones. We were all a bit confused with the editing, but with a little help of the teacher, it all worked out well. To make our short film more interesting, we had to cut many parts of clips. This was effective as it made the film more sense. We did manage to create element of suspenses as we used many different shots. We did't really forget to do anything as we even had to much shots. I dont think we managed to make it realistic as in a real thriller film. This was probably because of it being a short film. We didn't really have any feedbacks from our teacher as we were given the tasks in groups and had to do it without really any help from the teacher. My feelings for this short task was that we could have done it much better if we probably just had more time. But it was a good experience before a real AS thriller film and i have learned a lot of mistakes which will hopefully not happen in the real thriller.

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