Tuesday 20 January 2009


We were set a task to make a thriller that will make the target audience aske a question in other word to create suspence on the target audience on thursday the 15th and on monday 20th january, we had to plan how we are going to create and make up another thriller .At firs it wasn't that easy to think of one but we made our way throught in thinking about how our thriller we be.
We decided that the central plan of our thriller is going to be a child being the main character,the play is about a child and the mother being watch by a stalker which his face will never be shown,after that we view the stawkers feet and the body on the playground.The mother looks away by the time she looks up at the child there is a shocked when she looks at his face.

KEY IMAGE: The image of our Thrilleris the view of the playground ,this could be called an establishing shot then we moved on by showing the surroundings of the park which bring us back to the stalker's feet.Here we made full use of a close up shots to create an effect of the character.

SETTINGS AND LOCATION:like mentioned above we have decided we are going to make a playground which is empty to be the location ,there are also going to be bushes and lots of greenary in that playground this props will make our thriller maor effective this ould also create tention and suspence to the audience because they might be wa^ting for what will happen to the child by the surroundings view.We will also make the time a day time ,which no will be there .

LIGHTING:Because all the film will be done outside ,we have decided to make the lightning all natural.

CAMERAWORK:On the camera work which are going to marked on the most ,we started with an establishing shot of the playground this will create the POINT OF VIEW of the stalker,if we are lucky ,if it sunny on our filming day,it will be very helpful on on create a lightning effect,we will take a shot of the stalker's shadow walking past the railings this will be used by TRACKING .There will be a be a close up of the stalker walking throught the bushes ,only his feet will be shown on this part,this cold also be filmed by using TRACKING which also create suspence on the audience.After that there will be a long shot of the mother and the child walking into the park,also there will be a mid shot of the child playing in the playground .There will also take a POV shot of the stalker watching and a close up shot of the mother looking away.Lastly, we will take an Extreme close up shot of the child face ,this will show the mood of the child and this facial expression.

MUSIC:There are going to be a lot of sound effect .Fistly,there will be a sounds of the stalker walking through the bushes .Then a sound of the child laughing as this carries on there should be an intence of the music when the stalker is viewed.

AUDIENCE:As a thriller movie which may frighten kids and youths under the age of 18.This as giving us the opportunity to make the audience of our thriller 18+.

TITLE:We haven't decided what to call our thriller but it might be name it CHILED EYE.

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