Tuesday 6 January 2009

practice with the cameras-cards

In todays lesson we had a taste of how it would be to film a short clip. We were all put into groups. In these groups we were showed how to work the camera and set up the tripod. We learnt how to put a new tape in the camera and work the basics of how to turn it on and off and record.
We now know what a thriller is because we have all as a class watched one. We watched the shining during one of our lessons. We all took notes on things such as the camera work, editing, and the sound. These are all important when creating a thriller. They all help create tension and suspense. Watching this film helped us by giving us ideas for when it comes to doing our thrillers, however we must first have a practice at using the cameras.
In our groups we were given a pack of cards, a camera and a tripod. We were told to got off and create a short film that would have a minimum of twelve shots. Everyone went there separate ways, some even went outside to film, but me and my group decided to stay inside and film.
We decided as a group that our short film would be about two people playing cards. The idea of just playing cards did seem quite boring so we decided to add in a number of different camera shots to make it look and seem more tense. we used many different types of camera shots. The ones which made the short film seem more tense have got to be the close ups of the cards and close up of the peoples faces. The close up of the faces showed a lots of tension because of the facial features. The close up of the eyes was really good and tense as the eyes show the most emotion!
Once we had all of our shots we to the camera and the equipment into the editing suite.
There we uploaded the shots onto the computer. Once on the computer we had to arrange the shots so that mey made a short film. This means we had to cut and name all the shots then place them on a line in order. This line shows which order they will play in, so the one at the top will be first and the one at the end will be last. Once we placed all the shots in the order we liked best we had then created a short film.

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