Tuesday 20 January 2009

13th jan Thriller excercise

13th jan

In today's lesson we a were asked to create a short film which included someone walking down a coridoor and entering a room where another person was sitting, we then had to create dialogue between these two people. In my group we decided to add mystery to the film by keeping the main character's identity a secret, we did this by using close ups of the feet whilst he was walking, we then took an over the shoulder shot of the main character, this showed the character from the back, then to add further suspense we did a slow tilt pointing the camera up to finally reveal him.
During the sequence of the film we used variety of shots which included, tacking , still low angle, tilt, over shoulder, extreme close ups, point of view shots and high angle shots these all created more tension and excitement for the audience. Once we had filmed all of our shots we went to the editing suite , first we selected the most effective and significant shots as we had twenty - four shots and the maximum we were allowed to use was sixteen, we then arranged them chronologically and made cuts so that we could string them together.

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