Thursday 15 January 2009

Making of Thriller.

On Tuesday media class where everyone is settled down ,our teacher Andrew told us to start filming and do the neccessary things that had to be done.We had to make make 16 different shots ,mathc themtigether and make one We went to the Media office with the usage of our media card to collect all the instruments which are going to be needed for the film production,these contain the camera which we had already leant how to operate, and the tripord.We started with an establishment shot,then we carried on by filming the main character,i played that part.We film him walking up a stairs with a close up shot,then carried on by the him walking towards a room .Mostly close up and long shots were used on our project this made it effective because it shows the facia expression and body language.

After filming we went to our teacher to see us throught if have done the right thing ,with the help of the teacher we were able to correct what we had filmed wrong.After finish filming we EDIT it .

EDITING: In editing we had to put these the films together in order of how it the film should be ,we did a match cut of the recorded film and match them up together.When we finish doing that we played everything to see if we have match them corrrectly,it was quite fortunate that we had done the right things.

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