Monday 12 January 2009

Making Thriller

When we first started to discuss about how we are going to make our thriller,we were shown in the class how to use a camera and the Tribod stand, we were shown by the media department teacher how to operate the camera and how to organise the tripord stand.We learnt that day how to use different types of shots to create different effect in when we are making our video,shots like low angle shot ,high angle shot, reverse shots ,close up shot ,medium shots etc, gives a thriller a entising effect and mode .After showing us how to do these things we were splitted in groups of four to practice using cards there were four people in a group.My group is Cassie,Hammed and Patrice.In my group we discuss how to make our thriller video more effective and how its going to get us good grades.

In my group we had decided how we are going to practise the filming so that we can all know how to use the camera and the tripord set up,we decide that we are oing to take turns in filming while the other play the cards ,it was quit unfortunate Hammed wasn't in on that day because it was a muslim celebration day,but anyway, we started filming by Patrice going first while me and Cassie play the card .She took hihg angle shots ,low angle shots and the close up shots of the hands and the all went around. We cleared up the tripor and the camera carefully to avoid the damge of the instruments and submit our work.

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