Tuesday 27 January 2009

filming for thriller

In todays lesson we strated filming our thriller. me and patrice met at the locaion we had all decided on. It was a local park that is always empty during the day. Seen as how the thiller is about a little boy and his mother in the park being watched having a little brother to play the part really helped. the first shots we used were the establishing shots of the park. Not all the shots were in oreder as we were filming then because when we were filming we were constantly coming up with better ideas for camera shots. Many of these shots included and extreme close up of my and my little brother holding hands to show the close bond between us both, another shot was a hand held shot from the stalkers point of view watching my little brother play. There were many close ups of me and my brothers faces to show that we were having a good time. The close ups of my brothers face show his innocence. Shots such as these capture the viewers attention because they are heartwarming but seeing them from the stalkers point of view makes then more intense.
We managed to film the whole scene of my little brother playing in the park, and we even managed to get him pulling a face that made him looked scared and slightly shocked. In our next lesson we will have to get the rest of the film. This will be the stalker walking through the bushes. Lots of close ups and extreme close ups of the stalker pushing away branches and creeping through the bushes will really keep the viewer on the edge of their seat.
once we have captured all we need we will then go to the editing suite and start to edit.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Making the pitch

In thursdays lesson we had to show our pitch to the rest of the class.
We basically had to tell the rest of the class what we were going to be doing in our thriller. We told them about our plan with the camera work and how it could create more tension. We spoke about our plan to hide the identity of our stalker to also create suspense. Once we told the class what we were going to be doing and had told them the storyline it was then time to get the feedback on what they thought. Some people asked questions such as who would play the characters and who would be filming. We also got some good tips on how to makes the thriller more tense by the use of camera work.
In our next lesson we will be filming. We will get our shots of a little boy and a mother beging watched in a park.
To get the shots of a stalker hiding in bushes we may have to go to a different location and do a second session of filming to get it.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

thriller video practice- complete

In todays lesson we worked on our pitch. We wrote down everything we could about what our thriller was going to be like. This included the camera work, music, location, lighting and which audience it will be made for. On a big sheet of paper me and my group wrote down our ideas. Then i drew up a storyboard of what our thriller will look like. Hopefully not the same because in the storyboard there are stick people but hopefully the same camera shots and angles will be used in our thriller. This is just a rough guide, maybe when we actually come to filming wmay come up with better ideas but its good to have a few good ideas to start off with.

Once we finished the pitch, Ahmed and AB, finished off some of their blogging whilst me and patrice finished editing the practice thriller. We had nearly finished editing when we went to media workshop but we run out of time so we only needed five minutes or so to finish it. once the clip was ready we decided to add some music to it all. Findind the right music to match the sequence was quite hard but also quite funny as there were so many outrageous sounds to choose from. When we finally found the type of music that matched the film, we added it to the sequence so that when the film played the musci played with it.

Overall with the filming and the sound the clip look very good in the end and is seen at the top ofthis page.

In next lesson we will be doing our pitch to the rest of the class. And hopefully by next week we will start filming our thriller.

Practice filming

On our practice filming session we had to establish a man walking up the stairs and then walking towards a room where he opens the door and walks in. Then we have another character sitting down on a chair and waiting for the man to sit down in his opposite direction. We also had to length out into 20 shots. This was the hard bit of the task, because the opening scene that we were given was too short to be long. But because the scene was taking place on a staircase and room, we did't had to do any preparations. The camera work was very well, but our problem and only mistake was that we took too many short shots. Its was better to have a bit more of long and continous shots. One thing we have also learned when taking the shots was not to use zoom in which is hardly ever used in any film. I was happy with the long and over the shoulder shots which looked very effective and were the most succesful ones. When it came to the editing, we had to delete a lot clips as we took too many, but obviously we kept all the good ones. We were all a bit confused with the editing, but with a little help of the teacher, it all worked out well. To make our short film more interesting, we had to cut many parts of clips. This was effective as it made the film more sense. We did manage to create element of suspenses as we used many different shots. We did't really forget to do anything as we even had to much shots. I dont think we managed to make it realistic as in a real thriller film. This was probably because of it being a short film. We didn't really have any feedbacks from our teacher as we were given the tasks in groups and had to do it without really any help from the teacher. My feelings for this short task was that we could have done it much better if we probably just had more time. But it was a good experience before a real AS thriller film and i have learned a lot of mistakes which will hopefully not happen in the real thriller.

13th jan Thriller excercise

13th jan

In today's lesson we a were asked to create a short film which included someone walking down a coridoor and entering a room where another person was sitting, we then had to create dialogue between these two people. In my group we decided to add mystery to the film by keeping the main character's identity a secret, we did this by using close ups of the feet whilst he was walking, we then took an over the shoulder shot of the main character, this showed the character from the back, then to add further suspense we did a slow tilt pointing the camera up to finally reveal him.
During the sequence of the film we used variety of shots which included, tacking , still low angle, tilt, over shoulder, extreme close ups, point of view shots and high angle shots these all created more tension and excitement for the audience. Once we had filmed all of our shots we went to the editing suite , first we selected the most effective and significant shots as we had twenty - four shots and the maximum we were allowed to use was sixteen, we then arranged them chronologically and made cuts so that we could string them together.


We were set a task to make a thriller that will make the target audience aske a question in other word to create suspence on the target audience on thursday the 15th and on monday 20th january, we had to plan how we are going to create and make up another thriller .At firs it wasn't that easy to think of one but we made our way throught in thinking about how our thriller we be.
We decided that the central plan of our thriller is going to be a child being the main character,the play is about a child and the mother being watch by a stalker which his face will never be shown,after that we view the stawkers feet and the body on the playground.The mother looks away by the time she looks up at the child there is a shocked when she looks at his face.

KEY IMAGE: The image of our Thrilleris the view of the playground ,this could be called an establishing shot then we moved on by showing the surroundings of the park which bring us back to the stalker's feet.Here we made full use of a close up shots to create an effect of the character.

SETTINGS AND LOCATION:like mentioned above we have decided we are going to make a playground which is empty to be the location ,there are also going to be bushes and lots of greenary in that playground this props will make our thriller maor effective this ould also create tention and suspence to the audience because they might be wa^ting for what will happen to the child by the surroundings view.We will also make the time a day time ,which no will be there .

LIGHTING:Because all the film will be done outside ,we have decided to make the lightning all natural.

CAMERAWORK:On the camera work which are going to marked on the most ,we started with an establishing shot of the playground this will create the POINT OF VIEW of the stalker,if we are lucky ,if it sunny on our filming day,it will be very helpful on on create a lightning effect,we will take a shot of the stalker's shadow walking past the railings this will be used by TRACKING .There will be a be a close up of the stalker walking throught the bushes ,only his feet will be shown on this part,this cold also be filmed by using TRACKING which also create suspence on the audience.After that there will be a long shot of the mother and the child walking into the park,also there will be a mid shot of the child playing in the playground .There will also take a POV shot of the stalker watching and a close up shot of the mother looking away.Lastly, we will take an Extreme close up shot of the child face ,this will show the mood of the child and this facial expression.

MUSIC:There are going to be a lot of sound effect .Fistly,there will be a sounds of the stalker walking through the bushes .Then a sound of the child laughing as this carries on there should be an intence of the music when the stalker is viewed.

AUDIENCE:As a thriller movie which may frighten kids and youths under the age of 18.This as giving us the opportunity to make the audience of our thriller 18+.

TITLE:We haven't decided what to call our thriller but it might be name it CHILED EYE.

Preparation for pitch

In this task where me and my group had to prepare the makings of the pitch. It is important to be organised and plan things out before handing out the work. A short brief of what is going to happen in our opening seqeunce is a mother and her child alone in a playground, but what they dont know is that they are being stalked by a man. There is going to be a moment where the mother is going to look away and once she looks back at her child, she will see her son shocked and scared. This is basically our central plan in our project. The key images you will see in our opening seqeunce is a view of the playground with just the mother and her child. We will also film the surroundings and the stalkers feet walking up to the playground in the bushes. This will let the audience know where the opening seqeunce is taking place and who the main characters are. The opening seqeunce will take place in an emmpty playground where there are a lot of bushes which is in advantage for the stalker. The camera will also focus on the greenary of the playground. Our opening seqeunce will hopely take place on a windy and sunny daytime. The lighting of the opening seqeunce should be all natural as it will be filmed on daytime. Things that we are planning to film when it comes to camerawork are establishing shots of the playground, there will also be a point of view of the stalker to make the scene more interesting and exciting. By gods will, if it is a sunny day with a lot of sunshine, we will take shots the stalkers shadow past the tracking railings. The stalkers identity will be covered at all time to make the opening seqeunce a bit mysterious. A close-up on the stalkers feet walking through the bushes which creates suspense, this will happen by tracking. After, we're going to take a long shot of mother and child walkinh into the park. A mid-shot of the child playing on the playground should be fine. As the stalker is watching the mother and her child, we will take a point of view shot. Then there wil be a close-up on the mother looking away for a moment. After the close-up, you will see an extreme close up on the childs face and what you can see is fear in his eyes. When it comes to music, we will have sounds of the stalker walking through the bushes. You will also hear the child laughing. The music should become more intense when we see the stalker. We are mainly focusing on an audience which is 18 and older. These are basically all the things that are going to happen in our opening seqeunce. We are also going to make a short storyboard which is like a brief, but in more details. We haven't really decided on what we are going to name our title yet, but an idea is to call it ''Child's Eyes".

Thursday 15 January 2009

Making of Thriller.

On Tuesday media class where everyone is settled down ,our teacher Andrew told us to start filming and do the neccessary things that had to be done.We had to make make 16 different shots ,mathc themtigether and make one We went to the Media office with the usage of our media card to collect all the instruments which are going to be needed for the film production,these contain the camera which we had already leant how to operate, and the tripord.We started with an establishment shot,then we carried on by filming the main character,i played that part.We film him walking up a stairs with a close up shot,then carried on by the him walking towards a room .Mostly close up and long shots were used on our project this made it effective because it shows the facia expression and body language.

After filming we went to our teacher to see us throught if have done the right thing ,with the help of the teacher we were able to correct what we had filmed wrong.After finish filming we EDIT it .

EDITING: In editing we had to put these the films together in order of how it the film should be ,we did a match cut of the recorded film and match them up together.When we finish doing that we played everything to see if we have match them corrrectly,it was quite fortunate that we had done the right things.

Planning how to make our own thriller.Match cut effect

On thursday we were introduced a new teacher called Annabell. Annabell told us the terminology of how to blogg our work .In that lesson we leant how to create a match cut effect ,this is cobining two shots together to make a sensable or complete film.We did mostly paperwork.At first we had a go at answering some question which contain imagining and creating a match scenes in our head and matching them together with our the question she gave us .We were put in our groups to be able to do that classwork ,my group put heads together in solving out the question ,however we did our best to do the task set ,it was quit fortunate that when the answer was shown to us we were right on the spot.
After we had a go of doing that ,we were given a sheet to plan what our thriller is going to look like ,in my group ,group 7 we planned what scene is going to come first and how they are going to come in order ,everyone in my group had a say about it which was very helpful to us,we had to draw a picture of how the scenes look like this as well helped us to make our film easy and quicker to produce.However, we were very successful at that task and the time was against us so we rounded u and determine that we re going to start filming in our next lesson ,on tuesday.

Thriller example for our Thriller Production.

8 october 2009
Just before chrismas, we were shown in the class a thriller film,SHINNING the film contain different types of shots which created a lot of effect for the film ,the film was fascinating and exciting because it was made with different types of shots e.g Panning ,cloe up shot ,mediul long shot over head shot e.t.c.
After this our teacher Andrew,showed us last year media student thiller make ,he showed us what the mistakes are and the good of part of their thriller.In my own opinion,it has inspired everyone to work harder in the task that has been set before us.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

filming and editing

In yesterdays lesson we got to film. All the planning we did got put to use. Once we all made sure we had planned everything carefully we got a camera and a tripod and chose a spot where to film. Seen as how the clip would be about someone walking into a room and stiiting down to have a conversation, me and my group decided that it would be best to film it all in our media classroom.
Once the camera was set up we could start filming. The first shot we done was an establishing shot to show the viewer where all of this was happening. After this shot we decided that the next shot would be a close up of the first persons feet goin up a flight of stairs. This type of shot just showing the feet created alot of tension. To create more tension and suspense we decided that we would not show the first persons face until he actually walks into the room. This means that the first few shots would be close ups of feet and tracking shots of the person walking up to the door. Once the first person was in the room we sdecided now to focus on the second person. To still keep the suspense we had a close up of the second persons eyes. once the first person sat down oppsite the second person we decided to use over the shoulder shots when they were talking.
Once we were satisfied with waht we had filmed we had to go to the editing suite and upload the video. We aranged the clips in a rough order on final cut pro then placed them on the line in the order they will play in.once they were all on the line we then decided to cut little bits of the clips so that they will all blend in nicely. By the end of this lesson we succesfully managed to complete the beginging of the film. We even put a match cut in . Now in next lesson we will have to finish editing the rest of the film.

Monday 12 January 2009

match cuts

On fridays lesson we had a new teacher introduced to us. Her names was annabell. In this lesson we learned about match cuts.
A match cut is basically when two shots can be put together and make one. This lesson was mostly paperwork, but to get an even better understanding of what a match cut is we all watched a short clip and had to spot the match cuts.
Once we watched this clip and fully understood what a match cut was we then had to start planning our match cut exercise.
In this exercise we will be in groups and we will have to film a character opening a door, walking into a room, sitting down opposite another character and then both of them sharing a few lines of dialoue. In this exercise we have to plan the shhot carefully so in order to do that we first had to write all of our shots down on paper, then draw them of how they will look. Next lesson we will actually get to be filming this exercise.

Making Thriller

When we first started to discuss about how we are going to make our thriller,we were shown in the class how to use a camera and the Tribod stand, we were shown by the media department teacher how to operate the camera and how to organise the tripord stand.We learnt that day how to use different types of shots to create different effect in when we are making our video,shots like low angle shot ,high angle shot, reverse shots ,close up shot ,medium shots etc, gives a thriller a entising effect and mode .After showing us how to do these things we were splitted in groups of four to practice using cards there were four people in a group.My group is Cassie,Hammed and Patrice.In my group we discuss how to make our thriller video more effective and how its going to get us good grades.

In my group we had decided how we are going to practise the filming so that we can all know how to use the camera and the tripord set up,we decide that we are oing to take turns in filming while the other play the cards ,it was quit unfortunate Hammed wasn't in on that day because it was a muslim celebration day,but anyway, we started filming by Patrice going first while me and Cassie play the card .She took hihg angle shots ,low angle shots and the close up shots of the hands and the cards...it all went around. We cleared up the tripor and the camera carefully to avoid the damge of the instruments and submit our work.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Pa Trice Neita- 6th January 09

6th January 09

Today we looked at a documentary called "Watching" created for the BBC presented by Thomas Sutcliffe, this focused on the opening of thrillers, I remember the opening of 'the shining', we looked at the opening extract where a car is driving through greenery where a crane shot is used, it is as if we are chasing the car, this extract was likened to a predator in pursuit of its prey as the tension begins to build up in between sots of the car and the scenery, this was done through using various extreme long shots, low camera angles, crane shots and interior shots. 
We were also shown a classic film called  'A Touch of Evil', the director Orson Welles's aim was to bring the audience straight into the film by not having opening credits, by doing this it would look as if the film was reality, he explained that his idea was not taken into consideration as Universal Studios put in opening credits, which Welles claimed to be less effective.

practice with the cameras-cards

In todays lesson we had a taste of how it would be to film a short clip. We were all put into groups. In these groups we were showed how to work the camera and set up the tripod. We learnt how to put a new tape in the camera and work the basics of how to turn it on and off and record.
We now know what a thriller is because we have all as a class watched one. We watched the shining during one of our lessons. We all took notes on things such as the camera work, editing, and the sound. These are all important when creating a thriller. They all help create tension and suspense. Watching this film helped us by giving us ideas for when it comes to doing our thrillers, however we must first have a practice at using the cameras.
In our groups we were given a pack of cards, a camera and a tripod. We were told to got off and create a short film that would have a minimum of twelve shots. Everyone went there separate ways, some even went outside to film, but me and my group decided to stay inside and film.
We decided as a group that our short film would be about two people playing cards. The idea of just playing cards did seem quite boring so we decided to add in a number of different camera shots to make it look and seem more tense. we used many different types of camera shots. The ones which made the short film seem more tense have got to be the close ups of the cards and close up of the peoples faces. The close up of the faces showed a lots of tension because of the facial features. The close up of the eyes was really good and tense as the eyes show the most emotion!
Once we had all of our shots we to the camera and the equipment into the editing suite.
There we uploaded the shots onto the computer. Once on the computer we had to arrange the shots so that mey made a short film. This means we had to cut and name all the shots then place them on a line in order. This line shows which order they will play in, so the one at the top will be first and the one at the end will be last. Once we placed all the shots in the order we liked best we had then created a short film.