Tuesday 24 February 2009

making the thriller complete

In todays lesson we had to make the final touches to the thriller to make it complete. The only thing left to do was to make the writing on the credits slightly bigger. Rather than open up live type and re-do all the credits we simply enlarged them, so that although that the background of the credits was cut down a bit it made the writing look alot bigger.
Once we finished the credits we saved the work and then uploaded it to the blogger. This took some time as there were a few complications but we got there in the end.
Overall i think the thriller turnder out very well considering it was only me and patrice truely working on it. We thought that due to the grouping situation we would be caught behing on the work but i think attending the workshops help us so that we didnt fall behind. It is now a major relief to have finished the thriller and our next task is to write the evaluation, which we shall do next lesson.


The aim of today's lesson was to start putting the stalker scenes with the park scenes and cutting and moulding them.
In today's lesson I arrived late as I had a dental appointment, when I arrived Ahmed was designing credits and Cassie was putting the scenes together, this involved cutting the scenes down to fit the two minute limit, I then joined her and we had to log and capture, we had to cut out a large amount of the sequence as we had half an hour of filming time and had to condense it into two minutes. We eventually managed to cut the sequence down to ten minutes and we also had to select the best shots, to make the sequence come to life.

thriller final


Final filming

Today ab, Cassie and I came to the lesson, our aim was to film the stalker shots, we chose to do this in a park as we wanted to capture lots of greenery, the stalker would hide behind this greenery watching his prey, this would also provide us with lots of natural sound effects making the thriller more realistic. We went to a local park in Angel but on arrival we discovered that closed, so we decided to do this filming in greenery opposite the college. We wanted a number of shots, first we shot extreme close ups of the stalkers feet walking towards the park carefully not revealing the stalkers identity. We then took close ups of the stalker's hands moving the bushes to get a closer look at the prey, this was still done to preserve the identity of the reader. We finally did a tilt establishing shot of the stalker but from the back which added suspense this was done slowly to capture the tension. The first two shots we took we done with a hand held camera  to indicate intensity, the third shot was done using a tripod  this proved to be more effective using the tripod as we got an accurate picture of the stalker.

Editing on LiveType

After long filming we finally got to the editing part which was done on LiveType on the Apple Mac. Because I never used the LiveType ever before, i received a lot of help from Nick, Andrew and Annabelle. But it didn't took me that long to get the grip of it, as long as you know the simple basics and tools. LiveType allows you to make use of 5 options which are livefonts, fonts, textures, objects and affects. And from there you can pick whatever font you like. What me and the group wanted was something which is a bit related to handwritings of a little child. So what me and Abubakar done was go first through every font and category. After long searching we have decided to use the "Itchy" font from the livefont option in the category "collectors edition. The original one has a white background, but instead of white we have decided to change it to black to make the opening sequence look more mysterious. After editing the credits on LiveType and rendering the clips we moved on to work on the soundtrack, but which was not done by me. It took place on the monday workshop between half term which i couldn't come to. But thanks to Patrice, Abubakar and Cassie, the  soundtrack and editing was all done which brings our opening sequence finally to a completed stage. I hope you all enjoy the opening sequence.   

Day of filming

After a little group discussion, we have decided to name the title of our final opening sequence "Happily Ever After". Another trick is to display the title right at the end  instead of showing it right in the beginning. This can give the opening sequence an exciting effect. The film was located basically in a night near Homerton hospital. The role of the stalker is given to Abubakar as you can see in the credit and the mother is played by Cassie along with her little brother (the child that gets abducted). The camera and directing has been by Patrice.  And finally editing was left to me.

Half Term Workshop

Today our aim was to attend half term workshop to finish off our thriller video this would include putting our two viewpoints together (the stalker and mother and child), and also to make sound adjustments , I arrived late, to find that Cassie had made various improvements on our thriller, she had finished off putting all scenes together so they began to make sense. meanwhile I discovered that Ahmed did not arrive, and Abdul was continuously disruptive and did not show any interest in the work, and had to be warned to stop eating and disrupting other students who were hard at work. He had vaguely chosen any sound which was what he was assigned to do, which did not help us in our progress in the thriller and also he had not seen the thriller to be able to find a suitable soundtrack that accommodated it. Never the less Cassie and I continued to find sounds, these sounds were to emphasise  the view point of the mother and child, this sound were similar to a nursery rhyme and was very calm, quiet and repetitive  and the aim was to try and create empathy for the child particularly towards the end. Contrary to this the stalkers music was very dramatic and made you think that danger was ahead. This made the scenes come alive, making it easier for the audience to tell whether they were looking at the stalkers point of view or the mother and child. By the end of the lesson Cassie and I had managed to construct the thriller and put together two soundtracks that ran throughout the sequence.

Thriller Final Cut


We finished editing our thriller on monday,but we only had to make credit bigger.In todays media lesson we went to get our hard drive to finish our thriller off finally.We ask for the help of the teacher on how to make our credit bigger,h showed us how to make it bigger and he left .We made the credit bigger to about %70 which makes it look a lot better.We are going to upload our final cut video into our blogging to prove that what we have done so far on our thriller. 

Sunday 22 February 2009

Half term media work shop

Just befor half term ,my group decided to come on monday over that half term holiday.Just me and Cassie twere there to finish off the editing although Patrice came in late like around 12 .One of the media staff member came to see our work and gave us a tip what is needed to be done ,he told us how we have to slow down some of the parts of the stalker so that the be an effect that the stalker is up to something .We did so ,we slow the movement down to %50 this gave it a better effect.
After that i went to our classroom where we keep our folders and i took the sounds out of my folder that i choose the previouse lesson for our thriller,but it was qiute unfortunate that Cassie wasn't impress with the sound i have picked even with the opinion of the teacher on the sound which they alo think the sound which i have choosen are ok.This is what got me angry a little bit because it seems that what ever i do for the group their not pleased with because they think they are too smart ,even if they are at least give other people chance to do something as well.So this got me messing about because i felt exceptional even thought my desire wants to help and feel among.

Filming,Editing and choosen of Sound

In our last two lesson just before half term ,my group got together in the classroom and decided to finish off our filming even though Ahmed wasn't there because he had to go to the doctors ,we still manage to do the filming with three people.
However, when we got out side to find our location in the rain ,we found a park opposite Sainsbury in Angel which fits the best location for our filming because it has all the Mise-En-Scene that we need e.g the bushes etc.It was quite unfortunate that the park that we went to was loched so we manage find ourselves a new location that is near our college.
We had to do the filming in the rain,Cassie and Patrice were filming me the (Stalker).In the rain while it was all mudy and wet, i had to do difficult things ,i was walking through the hard bushes,clothes was dirty ,shoes was dirty and socked with water leaves all over my faces above all i got myself injured which got me going to see the doctors the next day.I had no choice other than to do the filming for me and for the people in my group ,because really and truely i wouldn't want my group to fail this task or geting a lower grades overall.
After we had finish filming ,I went to clean myself off and go back to the classroom ,when i got to the classroom i saw Patrice and Cassie editing the film the we had made,Sir Andrew our teacher told me that it will be of immense help if i make the sound,it was just only me that was choosing the sound that day ,so i choose the sound that i thing will match the film that we had created ,i tried my best to pick at least 10 to 12 sound but the sound can't be decided that it is the right sound for the film unless you see the film and insert it after editing the film.However,i picked the best sounds that i think its suitable for our film.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

finishing the thriller

On monday, even though it is half term there was a media workshop on run by the teachers to help students catch up on some of their work and finish their thrillers. Me and my group decided that if we were to finish the thriller on time we had to attend the media workshop. We decided to meet up early so that we had plenty of time to do the thriller. When i got to the college at the set time only one member of my group turned up. This was AB. Patrice came in at about 11 because she was running a  bit late.Ahmed failed to turn up. Although AB turned up he failed to help me with any of the work, he prefered to wonder off ,eat,muck around and talk to other groups. Although i did not recieve any help from AB, i got more work done on my own. When patrice did turn up rather than wonder around she came straight up to me and asked about the work. She showed and intrest and wanted to know how she could help improve the work. Together we put the soundtrack onto the thriller and sorted out the levels so that the sound flowed better. 
In the previous lesson before half term me and Patrice just continued editing the thriller. We placed all the right clips in order and cut them down alot so that the fitted in the two minute time space.
In the workshop, by myself i managed to put in all the credits, cut down the film, and even start putting some sound in. I also put some of the scenes in the film in slow motion. The scenes that are in slow motion are the only seen when we see the stalker and things from his point of view. When putting the sound in partrice turned up and helped me. AB had chosen some sounds that he thought would match the thriller however they didnt match at all so me and Patrice went through sound pro again and chose the sounds that we thought matched our thriller. We found two different sounds that matched our thriller. One was for when we see the stalker and the other sound was for when we see the mother and child. Once me and Patrice had made our final decisions on the sound we added them to the thriller.
The thriller is now finished. The only thing we really want to change about it is to make the font on the credits a little bit bigger, but we will do that when we get back from half term.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

filming and editing

In yesterdays lesson we filmed the rest of the thriller. This last bit of the thriller was the part where we see the stalker walking through the bushes. We do not actually see the stalkers face as we still want to keep his identity hidden to create more suspense. We mainly see cloes ups of the stalkers hands and feet crushing the bushes as he is trying to get through them.
The filming didnt take long so we had plenty of time to log and capture the film. Once up to the editing suite thats exactly what we started to do. When taking a look at the whole footage me and patrice realised that we had alot more than we thought we did. Which isnt a bad thing, its just really hard to choose which bits of the footage will definatly be in the thriller as we had to remember that we only have two minutes to fill.
Once we were done logging and capturing we started to edit. We started with the opening scenes of the stalker watching the park from the bushes and other various shots. So far we have a rough guide of what we are doing, but we do need to cut down alot of shots. Therefore next lesson that is exactly what we will be doing. To make sure we definatly get this finished on time me and patrice have also decided to meet up and come into the workshop over half term so that we are not left to far behind on the work.