Sunday 8 March 2009

Thriller Evaluation.

Thriller opening sequence Evaluation.

"Happily Ever After"

In memories to other thrillers that we have been shown by our media teacher – Mr Andrew e.g. The Shining, In which we have also analyse together the useful effect in the thrillers such as Light, Mise-en-scene ,settings and costumes. Also I have seenThe Bourne identity action thriller that I analyzed myself. Watching the real thriller media product, has built up our knowledge of how a thriller should look like and also it give use the experience of how to use thriller effect effectively. After watching these examples, we were asking to make our own thriller effectively, in my group we have made good use of the thriller example which we have been shown.
We have applied techniques such as lightning mise-en-scene, costume and location to our own thriller film in order to create a strong thriller opening sequence which we also think it will challenge the real media products. These effect that my group used ,we believe with the idea that we have been given from other thriller that we have used them appropriately and effectively where they are all needed so that it will make it look like thriller made by professionals. In the Shinning that we have watch, we see how they use different types of shots like the bird’s eye view, long shots to create a marvellous effect. Also I have watch one other thriller film, The borne identity and analyze the effect as an extra work to give me more understanding of how to use these effects. This has been applied to our thriller opening sequence to make it professional also watching other thriller mention above has help us to choose the best location for our thriller, we chose a park with a lot of bush in it for our location which reminds me of Grizzle park the thriller movie. The location of the bush can be seen as part of our Mise-en-scene because the effect that it created for thriller is seen as a perfect example of a mise-en-scene that a thriller should have.
My group has use different camera shots to build up some effect in our thriller. We used close-up shot in order to see closely the expression our characters. Using all these affect for our thriller opening sequence which we have placed in order which they are meant to be, I think there should be a great competition between our thriller film and some other thriller movie made by professionals or the thrillers which we have been given example of in the lesson because there is effect that they have use in there thriller movies that we also haven’t use when necessary. Therefore, I think there should be no big different between our thriller and the real thriller.
However, the representation of our media product has created an immense importance effect to be able to manipulate the taste of our target audience. In our thriller we have use the contrast of people with a huge age gap to make our audience feel remorse for the victim of our thriller .Basically, we used a little boy of the age of 6 whose race is white who is been watch by a black big guy (stalker) whom age prediction is 18, so there is good contrast representation of our characters .This little boy playing with his mum in the park which they were both being watch by this gigantic black guy. The contrast characters will help put the audience in suspense of what is going to happen to this happy family. In addition, the little boy in our thriller looks vulnerable because of his age; the impression that the little boy is innocent will come to the thought of our audience. Also there is going to be a stereotype comment from the audience about the big guy (stalker) in our thriller.
Looking back to our media product, we can see that it has different important races (black and white) in the movie; this may help our product to get pass UK and may be distributed around the world by the Hollywood blockbuster. Also we have use the effect which may also be use by the Hollywood film production, there should be an acceptance of our thriller product because of the content and the effect we have use in it. Also it should be on a DVD release and it should also be shown in the cinemas because my group has made this in a professional structure.
We’ve based out target audience to those who consume media product ,those who go to cinema ,couples could be seen as an example of our target audience ,because when they go to a place like the cinema to watch our thriller ,if they get to the effective part of the thriller when watching it ,this may give them the motion of cuddliness if the female gets carried away by the movie as we all know that men are stronger them women. Also our media production is targeting to the audience of the age of 13 and above because children below this age might find it stronger for them to watch. Our thriller is both for male and the female but mostly for the female, also our opening sequence may attract the middle class because of the characters we have use in the film.
The character in our thriller opening sequence will help attract out various audience. The little vulnerable boy which we have used in our thriller opening will create a sympathetic sensation towards the innocent boy, this will make them carry on watching our movie to know what is going to happen to the little boy, In contrast they will also want to know what happen to the stalker whether he gets arrested or he survive in what he is up to. Also this will put our audience in suspense of what will be the reaction of the boy’s mum. Putting all these establishments of our thriller suspense together it should be able to attract a huge collection of people.
To help market our thriller we could make the trailer of our thriller, then put it on the phone and send it to friends and family or we could also advertise this in every UK cinema for people that love going to the cinema see it also we could spread the news with the word of mouth. Lastly, because there is a huge amount of people who uses the internet these days, we could advertise our thriller on the internet campaign, taking all this procedure is sure that our thriller opening sequence will be popular and be profitable for us.
After construction this media opening sequence product, We had learnt a lot about technologies .I have learnt how to use the camera to take different types of shots e.g. Long shot bird’s eye shot etc. also We have learnt how to film with timing and what location suits different film product .We have also learnt how to set up Tripod and how to change the height when needed. In addition, it has helped me to build up my acting experience which could also be used whenever a task that includes acting is been set. Even though, there were some problem when using Final cut pro, Livetype and the soundtrack. We have been able to pass through the task. With these difficulties that we had face during the Final cut pro, Livetype and soundtrack at least that gave us the experience of how to use these things. Also, we have an experience on how to edit and choosing the right sound for our thriller.
The internet has been so useful for us, it has helped us to be able to put out shots through it and also help us to be able to edit the shots which we have taken .We’ve been able to download our Final cut into our blog up plans and also this could be transfer to YouTube which if it does, it will expand the prospective audience for our media product.
Finally, I have learnt a lot from this task, starting from how to bring up an idea of a thriller or any other movie genre. When my group was making plans of what our opening sequence is going to be. Also during the filming I learned what kind of locations that suits different film genre especially the one which we have just finishes. This recent task has made me understood that when filming you could take a lot of shots and match cut them so that they can make a sense. During the film making process, I have learned how to use different shots and panning and tilting techniques. Though it may be hard getting this things right but has given me the experience of how they are used in case on a similar task that comes my way. This task has given me an interest in media and may also make me carry on in my university levels hopefully.

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